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Very Old Vintage Lime Container Gourd from Trobriand Island, Papua New Guinea

Very Old Vintage Lime Container Gourd from Trobriand Island, Papua New Guinea

Regular price $283.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $283.00 USD
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This finely decorated gourd is a fine example of the craftsmanship from the Massim Region of the Trobriand Island, Papua New Guinea.
Despite its age the sleek silhouette and neutral palette makes it a timeless design, with only the intricately burned curvilinear designs hinting at the centuries of tradition behind this piece.
It is topped by what is likely a wild pig tusk and meticulously woven plant fibre. Originally this may have been used to store white lime, which would have been used to decorate statues and other timber figures which form part of the intricate social religious rituals in this region. However it can be clearly see that these gourds are works of art in their own right.
The gourd itself is in excellent antique/very old vintage condition with wear to base commensurate with display. Some light specks of lime which in context of the gourd’s purpose enhance rather than detract. A chip to the underside of the tooth which is hardly seen when displayed.

Dimensions: Height of 25 cm; Diameter of 15 cm.

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