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Late 18th Century New Hall Tea Bowl & Saucer

Late 18th Century New Hall Tea Bowl & Saucer

Regular price $194.00 USD
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The New Hall Company (1781-1835) produced porcelain tea wares initially of hard paste porcelain, and from around 1812-14 onwards of bone china. Unlike many of their peers, they were a merchant consortium with a clear business plan from the outset. Having purchased a successful porcelain recipe from a Bristol merchant named Richard Champion, their porcelain was considered very good considering the many challenges English manufacturers faced, having to catch up to the great German porcelain works of the time. Their wares were marketed to the burgeoning Victorian middle class, who were eager to experience the finer things their new social mobility afforded them. 

New Hall porcelain, despite the relative naïveté of their illustrations, is considered desirable by 18th century porcelain collectors even now due to the fine quality of their porcelain.

This particular tea bowl and saucer design is circa 1870 has a loosely painted floral pattern with chains of flowers and central rose motifs. Very nicely done and a signature thinly potted handfeel which was and remains a feature of New Hall hard paste porcelain.

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